
About Us

Ste-Anne Hospital’s mission is to provide high quality health care to the residents of our region.

In order to ensure that the very best care with the latest technology is provided, the Fonds Hôpital Ste-Anne Hospital Fund needs your help. Throughout our lives, there are many occasions when we wish to pay tribute to those that are dear to us. Your special gift to the Fonds Hôpital Ste-Anne Hospital Fund can be made In Memory of a dear friend or loved one, to send Best Wishes in honour of a special occasion, or to say Thank you to a special friend, relative or hospital staff member. Other ways that you can make a lasting contribution are available by participating in Ste- Anne Hospital’s annual Honour Gala. A Planned Gift is a special way to leave a legacy. Ste-Anne Hospital can be named as a beneficiary in your will, insurance policy or other dispositions of property. The donors of the Fund will be recognized on the Ste-Anne Hospital’s electronic monitor in the waiting room in the near future. You are invited to make a lasting difference by sending your donations to Fonds Hôpital Ste-Anne Hospital Fund.


The Ste-Anne Hospital Fund was founded in 1988 to collect funds for the Ste-Anne Hospital for the buying of equipment and for construction projects not funded by Manitoba Health.

Thanks to its generous donors, the Ste-Anne Hospital now has laparoscopic surgical equipment, a telemetry system, a blanket warmer and many items that contribute to providing high quality health care for the residents of the region.

The Ste-Anne Hospital Fund successfully raised $500 000 for the obstetrical unit constructed in 2005.

The Ste-Anne Hospital Fund successfully funded the construction project of a new surgical suite and recovery area. It had its grand opening in August 2013.

The Ste-Anne Hospital Fund successfully raised over $300,000.00 for the construction of the hospital helipad in 2018 – 2019.

Our fundraising campaigns, individual donations and annual events, permit us to reach our objectives.  None of which would be possible without the continued support of our donors, sponsors and volunteers. 

Staff and Board members

Marc Charrière, Executive Director

Board members:

Raymond LaFlèche, President
Rhéal Gagnon, Vice-President
Dr. Paul de Moissac, Treasurer
Cécile Dumesnil
Robert Sarrasin
Alain Nault
Dre Danelle Lanouette
Janelle Lapointe